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Freedom For All Cuban Political Prisoners Unjustly Confined In Castro-communist Dungeons

Por: Yunior Gonzalez Rosabal, Fecha de inicio: 08:02:22 (2022-02-08)

We ask for international solidarity to demand that the Castro-communist dictatorship immediately release all Cuban political prisoners who are unjustly confined in Cuban jails. Defending the rights of a people is not a crime and that is the only thing they have done. Although the tyranny refuses to recognize that there are political prisoners on the island, all the complaints that have been addressed even to the United Nations show the opposite. In Cuba there are political prisoners, including minors like those in the past peaceful demonstrations on July 11, 2021 #11J. We Cubans suffer from inhuman tyranny and the world should know it. If in one way or another you feel committed to justice and respect for the rights of all, sign the petition.

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